Her Ring

If you are reading this as a person who knows me, then you'll most likely be aware of the fact that I have recently lost my dear friend Rebecca. The last week has been an emotional roller coaster. While I let myself grieve for the loss of a life that was taken way too soon, I also pack up boxes to move into my new home. So much change at once is more then overwhelming but she was so excited my partner and I got our dream home that I try to continue to bring that energy.

Easier said then done.

In the days after she passed I began to crave anything I could get my hands on to make me feel like she was very much once here. I then remembered a ring she had given me that I only wore on special occasions (as it was very much a statement piece) and I decided I wanted to see it again. To my surprise, I opened my jewelry box only to find it was not there. There was the spot where it once had sat and it was clearly gone. I searched the entire box, my sock drawer, every drawer and any jewelry box I could find.

No sign of the ring.

That night I had a very lucid dream of my search for the ring and woke up thinking I knew exactly where it was. I ran into the living room and opened my second jewelry box, that contained my crystals and everything needed to do card readings, only to find it was not there. My stomach flipped. During Covid I went through a phase of getting rid of objects and clothes that weren’t being used or that I thought might find a better fit with someone else. I was now convinced that it was very much gone.

I know it just a worldly possession and I told myself if it didn’t come back to me I wouldn’t stay attached. But there was one more place it could be. So I decided to reach out to Betty, a friend I had made from consigning my wardrobe and inquire if she remembered seeing it go through the store. She messages me back saying she remembered seeing the ring last summer and yes, it had sold. I immediately felt so much guilt for giving away something that Rebecca had so thoughtfully gifted me. I had given it away and now they were both gone.

Then I get another message from Betty.

She was the one who bought it.



I couldn’t believe what I was reading and quickly responded back with the reason why I was looking for the ring.

I few days later I swung by the store to pickup the ring, only to find out Betty very much knew Rebecca. She recalls the first time she ever saw her, walking into the brewery like she was straight out of a vintage magazine. Betty beautifully described her style as very much braless with a fur hat and I don’t give a fuck attitude, sounds like Rebecca. We both fight back tears as I gave her a thank you hug and I’m sure she could feel how special she was to me. I still can’t believe that somehow this ring stayed within my friend circle and made its way back to me.

The ring is a large circle labradorite stone set in silver, with shades of green and gold creating a crescent moon. This stone has been known to help one regain energy while also helping the body and spirit heal itself. It is also the birthstone for Leo’s, that’d be you Bex.

Rebecca was so generous and an amazing friend, I know she would have wanted me to share this little miracle of a story with the world.

Thanks for bringing it back to me.

Love you Bex, miss you beyond words.

-The Blonde Amazon ♡

The Blonde Amazon