The Holiday Season through the senses

I was recently reading “The Christmas Box” by Richard Paul Evans, when I just couldn’t stop thinking about something he was asked. With the holiday season approaching, “which sense do you think is the most affected by Christmas?” In the novel, the husband choses taste buds and then quickly changes his mind to his sense of smell.

Needless to say the question stuck with me, so I decided to do a bit of digging around and asked my parents the other night while we were setting up the tree.

Dad said that when he hears anything by Bing Crosby or Frank Sinatra, although the song sounds the same it has changed for him over the years. It can take him back to his Cranberry house when he was just a boy but yet bring back memories of us when we were just kids together as a family at Christmas.

Mom on the other hand said her sense of sight. All the beautiful twinkling lights, silver and gold decorations, and all the things that glitter around this time of year. But then she added, more importantly to her was the smile on everyone’s face Christmas morning when we were all together.

For me I would definitely say it’s my sense of smell. Warm freshly baked gingerbread, hot chocolate with melting marshmallow’s, and a freshly cut spruce tree bringing the outdoors inside. Just thinking about these smells brings a smile to my face and that cozy Christmas feeling.

What sense comes to your mind?

Will you be more tuned into it a little more this year?

Whichever sense it is for you, I hope something happens this year, even the smallest moment, that makes it a very special Christmas to remember.

Wishing you all a Merry Holiday Season & a healthy New Year🎄

-The Blonde Amazon ♡

The Blonde Amazon