Texada for the day

“Welcome to the club” read the caption on the post I had tagged Tyler in to warmly welcome him into his 30’s. A few weeks back Tyler had mentioned Grant Lawrence & Friends were coming to do a show on Texada on his actual birthday, so we decided it would be the perfect way to celebrate. We had recently begun reading chapters of “Return to Solitude” to each other as part of our “less socials is best” night time routine and to help amp us up for the coming summer months. So we packed a giant bag of snacks, our disc golf bags and headed for the rock.

Shortly after we boarded the ferry, as I was rummaging in the back seat, I realize I could hear Tyler talking to someone. “Ya I wish the weather was better so I could swim, I love swimming in new places.” Grant expressed to Tyler about the overcast day and this being his first time to Texada he wanted to swim. Grant had asked Tyler to preform last May when he was up at The Patricia Theatre as he knew Tyler already from the CBC Spotlight Search and enjoyed his music. Although I never did find out if Grant got his swim that day, the weather definitely did pulled through. We enjoyed three rounds, as it’s a pretty quick nine, at the Texada disc golf course and then made our way to Shelter Point for lunch. I’m embarrassed to say, as someone who grew up across the water, that it was my first time visiting that beach. The way the point is situated you can choose which beach looks better depending on the weather, ergo my beach bum fantasy turned reality. After our little picnic, which I made sure Tyler blew out a candle, a beach nap and a pocket full of flower rocks, we made our way to the hall.

As we entered the hall we were both immediately hit with a wave of nostalgia as the scent of musk triggered memories we have together from our local Cranberry Hall. We grabbed a cold drink, took our seats and began taking in the room. As everyone was getting settled, I started to think about how important story telling is in our daily lives, in all its forms and how it truly brings people together. At times life can feel like we are all going about our own way but yet we can’t help but crave that sense of connection. Grants stories remind me that we can all learn from each other and that everyone has a story to share. I love learning about who came before me on the same coastline and what they endured. Growing up with a family cabin my Grandpa built on the salt water shoreline, I can really resonant with Grants summers up the coast. It also makes me think maybe I should be going around the bay making my own collection of stories, I’m sure they’re some worth sharing. Needless to say I felt inspired enough to write this blog post on the ferry ride home and truly enjoyed spending the day listening to good stories and songs with an amazing guy who’s finally in the same decade as me.

-The Blonde Amazon ♡

The Blonde Amazon