Sparking creativity

Sometimes the feeling is there. Not just even there really, but fully charged and waiting for action. Then it vanishes. You might not even realize that it’s gone till weeks, sometimes months, have passed. So how do You get it back? It’s definitely not something you can force, it has to come naturally.

What factors in your life might have changed?

And do they need to be in perfect alignment in order for it to come back?

I am going to breakdown my top 3 creative sparks that help me ignite my creative spirit and hopefully help you find yours.


This first one might seem like a given but I find my strongest spark comes from being with Mother Earth. Taking a walk in my favorite trail and paying close attention to the sounds and shapes that surround me, help not only to ground me but allow me to see the beauty of nature and all its simplicity. I also find myself in somewhat of a meditative state when I’m at my favorite beach with a novel or my sketch book, letting the oceans soothing sounds relax my mind with it’s rhythmic vibrations. Or maybe it’s just feeling the suns rays and feeling energized and inspired to seize the day. All I know is whenever I come back from being outside my perspective has shifted and I let that be my guide me for the rest of my day.


I’ve noticed when I reflected back on when I felt the most ignited to create, the main factor was simply, gratitude. Taking the time to write, draw, paint, whatever it might be, just being grateful that I am able to do anything of these things feels like such a blessing. Trying not to put too much pressure on doing them perfectly but instead just trying it and leaving the judgement behind. This also seems to work sometimes on the flip side and I am inspired to create when I am dealing with sadness or feeling sentimental. Creating something I can look back on to remember how I felt at that specific moment in time allows me to see how far I’ve come or remember that bad days don’t last forever.


Lastly, if I ain’t got the energy, it ain’t gonna happen. That also relates to my stress levels, if I have alone time or how busy of a day I’ve had. Which brings me to why I try and always be creative in the morning, when my energy level is stocked and my head is clear of any toxins that could be looming in my phone. Also, too much caffeine makes for a shaky hand, so lay off if doing detailed work. But how I see it is that if I get time later in the day to be more creative then that just ends up being a bonus.

Whatever your creative outlet might be, I hope that by sharing what sparks mine helps you to stay creative!

-The Blonde Amazon

The Blonde Amazon