Spring is coming

The air smells different.

As I walk the streets of my little vintage town, I notice the air is changing. With this I don’t just mean temperature or the way it feels on my skin but it’s notes are subtly different . As life begins to form in nature where death had taken over, my senses are on high alert for anything new. Life as we knew it will never truly be the same and I don’t believe that to be a bad thing. One of my favorite mantras is that the only thing consistent in life, is change. Growing up, I hated when something changed and how it created a feeling of uncertainty in me. As the years have passed, I am constantly searching for it. It’s what exhilarates me, the concept of learning something new or something feeling different is enticing. What a boring world it would be if life stayed the same. I feel that with the changing of the season comes new life. And with that, new adventures. But maybe some sadness as well. So to get through the dark parts remember… without darkness we wouldn’t enjoy the light.

-The Blonde Amazon

The Blonde Amazon